Monday, October 26, 2015

31 Days of Learning to Simplify: My Mothering

There are about one million ways I could think of to improve my parenting. One million ways I fail and mess up, and one million times when I've said or done the wrong thing. I'm sure the people around me would gladly dispense advice and there are books full of checklists to make sure I'm doing everything just right, all the time. 

It's so much pressure. 

But God doesn't put pressure on me to be a more perfect mom. His approach is much different, gentler. He picks my tired self up off the hot seat, and then he doesn't just leave the seat empty for me to find my way back again. He sits in my place.

He sees me in the monotony of my days, at my best and my worst, and he's pleased. He tells me I'm a good mom (sometimes more than once, when I really need convincing). 

That's because the Lord looks past my mom "failures" and "wins" and peers deep into my mama heart. 

He knows the soaring love I have for this baby of mine, because he sees with the eyes of a Father. A kind Father. A good Father. 

When I feel all caught up in my constant striving to do better and more, I need to remember who he says I am. That is, already enough

Right where I am - I'm enough. You're enough. 

I'm my best mama-self when I see myself how he sees me. When I parent out of that place, I'm not relying on techniques or methods, I'm just relying on the One who made me a mom in the first place. And He's enough. 

I am nearing the end of my Write 31 Days Challenge! If you want to read through some of the other posts in this series, click here

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