I'm Shanna.
That adorable little babe with me is the girl who made me a mom and turned my world upside down in February of 2014.
I'm a Believer, wife, and first time mom....just learning as I go and learning that once you think you have a piece of this motherhood puzzle figured out, your kid proves you wrong! After my daughter was born, I had this post written in my mind for months before finally deciding to share my experience as a new mom.
Fast forward a little bit, and this has become my space to write and encourage. I am so grateful for this place to share words and stories and life.
What we normally look like:
I hope you'll find this to be a place where you are uplifted and freed up. Freed up to just be you and let God do the rest. You deserve to know how amazing and important you are. I'm cheering you on! I could never handle this wife or motherhood gig in my own abilities, but I have to trust God to get me through each day.
Other stuff...
I love sunny days and I'll take a too-hot day over a cold one every time.
I'm an introvert, albeit a social one, a recovering people-pleaser, and a sometimes perfectionist.
I'm craving simplicity these days and I feel like the Lord is telling me less really is more, in all the ways that really matter.
Mexican food is my love language.
Fall is my favorite time of year, which is why my anniversary is October 18th.
I never feel fully rested anymore. #welcometomotherhood. I suppose I'll rest again when my babies are grown.
I have a strange fondness for goats and would love to live on a small farm one day.
If not a farm (my husband does not share my affinity for farm animals), I would also settle for a tiny beach town.
One day, maybe.
My days consist of taking care of my spunky, sunshine-y little girl, makingtoo many Target runs, having girls' nights to watch The Bachelor/ette, and working part-time as a Registered Sonographer (in simpler terms: I do ultrasounds.)
Aaaand at least one meltdown per day from someone in my house because duh.
Above all else, I'm a follower of Jesus and totally dependent on His abundant grace and love and mercy.
I want to seek out Glory in my everyday motherhood. Mothering is sanctifying and it's teaching me so much about God's Father-love for us. Overwhelming and extravagant love, you guys.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those that fear Him. And as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Psalm 103:11 & 12

That adorable little babe with me is the girl who made me a mom and turned my world upside down in February of 2014.
I'm a Believer, wife, and first time mom....just learning as I go and learning that once you think you have a piece of this motherhood puzzle figured out, your kid proves you wrong! After my daughter was born, I had this post written in my mind for months before finally deciding to share my experience as a new mom.
Fast forward a little bit, and this has become my space to write and encourage. I am so grateful for this place to share words and stories and life.
What we normally look like:
I hope you'll find this to be a place where you are uplifted and freed up. Freed up to just be you and let God do the rest. You deserve to know how amazing and important you are. I'm cheering you on! I could never handle this wife or motherhood gig in my own abilities, but I have to trust God to get me through each day.
Other stuff...
I love sunny days and I'll take a too-hot day over a cold one every time.
I'm an introvert, albeit a social one, a recovering people-pleaser, and a sometimes perfectionist.
I'm craving simplicity these days and I feel like the Lord is telling me less really is more, in all the ways that really matter.
Mexican food is my love language.
Fall is my favorite time of year, which is why my anniversary is October 18th.
I never feel fully rested anymore. #welcometomotherhood. I suppose I'll rest again when my babies are grown.
I have a strange fondness for goats and would love to live on a small farm one day.
If not a farm (my husband does not share my affinity for farm animals), I would also settle for a tiny beach town.
One day, maybe.
My days consist of taking care of my spunky, sunshine-y little girl, making
Aaaand at least one meltdown per day from someone in my house because duh.
Above all else, I'm a follower of Jesus and totally dependent on His abundant grace and love and mercy.
I want to seek out Glory in my everyday motherhood. Mothering is sanctifying and it's teaching me so much about God's Father-love for us. Overwhelming and extravagant love, you guys.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those that fear Him. And as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Psalm 103:11 & 12

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Thanks so much for reading!
**All professional photos on my site are (c) D Crowe Photography**
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