Tuesday, October 27, 2015

relationship recap

Wow. Posting every day for 31 days straight is no joke! It has been tough. It hasn't been perfect, and I've missed a couple of days here and there because, life. So many of these posts I had to publish despite wanting to edit them more or sit with them longer. But what an awesome challenge it has been not only for my writing, but even more for my heart. I've had to wade through some heavy topics (and some not so heavy) in "real time." Each day I have prayerfully considered what God would have me to share, to ponder, to declutter. Although this was a kind of crash course in simplifying, it has been transformative for me. I am so hopeful that the Lord will continue this sanctifying work in me, long after October 31 passes. 

I plan to use these last few days to recap some of my greatest takeaways from this challenge. 

With all of my "relationship" posts, I've noticed a clear thread in how I want to approach them. It really does come down to the themes of love, grace, and truth. When I remind myself to go "back to the basics," those are the words that fill my mind. I am so grateful to the Lord for allowing me to see these precious pieces of my life with new eyes. Relationships need re-evaluating from time to time, and I've discovered how valuable it is to focus on improving myself, not the counterpart in the relationship. I will always have much to refine. Much too much to focus on how others need polishing. 

I should just be the friend, partner, mother, and daughter that I want to have. 

The Lord is sweet in his relentless patience with me as I learn to be more filled with him and less with myself. This is dying daily, and it's not an easy practice. I want to see my friends and family with eyes of grace, a heart of love, and thoughts of truth. Always

If you missed my relationship posts earlier in the series, you can read them by clicking here, here, or here

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