Clearly, there's always room for improvement when it comes to my mothering.

There is one area in particular I know every mom can use some work in, because it's one of my biggest struggles.
The one theme I want for my motherhood this year is this:
Namely, to myself.
I can be pretty hard on myself. I'm still feeling out this motherhood role, and I want so badly to "get it right." ALL THE TIME. I mean, we all do. But that's just an unrealistic and unfair standard to hold ourselves to. So this year, I will be kind to myself.
I will grant myself permission to not be perfect.
I will focus more on my mom wins than my mom fails.
I will speak truth and life over my daughter and myself, not words of negativity.
I will brag on other moms and cheer them on rather than wasting time comparing and judging.
I will be easy on myself as I inevitably approach a new stage of motherhood with new challenges. In the midst of that, I will be intentional to show myself grace, allow mess-ups, and forgive myself quickly.
Worry less, revel more.
I will value what veteran moms have to say because I have so much to learn.
I will teach my daughter that kindness has to be extended first to yourself before you can genuinely show it to others.
When I'm struggling, I will not hesitate to ask for help or guidance. I will lean on my village.
I will cultivate a sense of gratitude for this sweet season of life; motherhood has been so good to me.
I will rest on the truth of what God says about me: I am a good mom, I am doing a good job, and this job matters SO MUCH.
I will choose to believe that I am the best one for THIS specific job: mama to Aven.
I will see my truest reflection not in my bathroom mirror, but in my heavenly Father's kind eyes.
Let's be kind this year, okay? Starting with ourselves.
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