It's been 8 months since she joined our family.
We are at that point now where I'm actually having a hard time remembering what life was like before her. She is our new normal, and any time spent away from her doesn't feel quite right.
This past month has been one of lots of growth for our girl. And her personality is blossoming. She is chatty, a little dramatic, funny, emotional, and extremely observant.
We are at that point now where I'm actually having a hard time remembering what life was like before her. She is our new normal, and any time spent away from her doesn't feel quite right.
This past month has been one of lots of growth for our girl. And her personality is blossoming. She is chatty, a little dramatic, funny, emotional, and extremely observant.
Nicknames: Bird. Ave. Babygirl.
Eye Color: blue blue blue!
Hair: seems to be a darker blonde now; the rat tail now does a
little curl which is too cute.
little curl which is too cute.
Who does she look like? She is a good mixture of both of us.
Weight: my guess is 20lbs but won't know for sure til next month!
Height: LONG. haha
Clothing: 9 months. Pants typically have to be 12 months to fit (!)
Diapers: size 3
Diapers: size 3
Favorite toys: plastic red cup for bath time and measuring cups are the new go-to.
Crib or Parents' Room: crib mostly. If she wakes up after 4 or 5 am, she'll just
stay in our bed but that's pretty rare.
stay in our bed but that's pretty rare.
Food/Routine: breastmilk (every 3 hours); oatmeal cereal (1x/day); baby food (1 or 2x/day). Right now she loves peaches and PEAS!
Usually a morning and an afternoon nap.
Usually a morning and an afternoon nap.
Nighttime sleep: Still waking once per night. She's had a couple of full nights of sleep this past week which I'm loving but not getting attached to.
Teething?: We started this month with 2 bottom teeth. Now she also has
four - yes, FOUR - top teeth.
four - yes, FOUR - top teeth.
Words: Hudson, Angel (our dog's names)
New Discoveries/Milestones:
Sitting up on her own
Sitting up on her own
High 5's
High 5's
Face diving for stuff but not crawling yet
As in, our boxer's name.
She is completely obsessed with him lately. And our chihuahua, Angel, too. So naturally, "Angel" was her second word. In the mornings, she looks everywhere around the room until she spots them and then a big grin always appears.
"Mama" better be next, little girl.

Highchair for feedings, which she loves!
Gagging face from the bananas (she has since decided she likes bananas after all).
Her amber teething necklace may have helped some! She had FOUR top teeth come in at pretty much the same time and she has acted pretty normal.
Current microfashion favorite - denim.
(This is a boy's shirt from H&M!)
Bath time is always fun!
Why do I even bother with toys? She is happy to play with boxes, measuring spoons, cups....
As in, our boxer's name.
She is completely obsessed with him lately. And our chihuahua, Angel, too. So naturally, "Angel" was her second word. In the mornings, she looks everywhere around the room until she spots them and then a big grin always appears.
"Mama" better be next, little girl.

Hudson's face on the bottom left picture - priceless.
Big smiles.
Does anyone else's 8 month old look this giant in a high chair? No? Just mine?
Gagging face from the bananas (she has since decided she likes bananas after all).
Her amber teething necklace may have helped some! She had FOUR top teeth come in at pretty much the same time and she has acted pretty normal.
This is just such a classic Aven face.
I am finally able to put her in the seat of the cart without her falling over - so much easier! And I was given two cart covers as hand-me-downs, so when one's dirty I always have a spare.
(This is a boy's shirt from H&M!)
And just to keep it real - there's this face. She doesn't like to be left alone much, so I have to stay close by a lot more than in the past. Hoping it's just a phase because my house needs some attention too!
The face she makes when she's talking intently (THE BEST).
Standing with support.
(And waving! At dogs, random people, ourselves....)
Bath time is always fun!
First professional baseball game with the family.
This fall weather has been pretty perfect for hanging out by the lake and the pool, so we've been soaking it up!
this hair.
A four generation picture of my Gammy, my mom, me, and Aven. Long overdue.
And because I'm trying to use my DSLR more (instead of just my iphone) here are a few photos I snapped of her in just a diaper and a bow.
Happy 8 months to my little wildflower girl!
You can read her 7 month update here.
Love her fat baby tits