Well, this is embarrassing.
We went to the beach something like six weeks ago and I haven't shared any of our trip here on the blog. Why? Oh that's right. Because one week after getting back from the beach, we PACKED, MOVED, AND ARE STILL UNPACKING THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF OUR ENTIRE LIVES. Will the boxes ever end. Rhetorical, so don't bother. I think moving is a lot like giving birth. You forget how awful it is until it's too little too late. The one perk of both is that at the end of all that hard work, you get a "prize" as my obstetrician would say. A baby or a house. In this instance, a house, obviously.
So, moving on.... (get it?)
We took a trip to the beach in June just the three of us. We always go the same little island off the coast of North Carolina that we've been going to for as long as I can remember. It's a sweet place packed full of memories, and quite honestly feels like my second home. This summer is very likely our last one there because my grandmother is selling her condo where we always stay. I'm mostly just sad that this is not a place Aven will ever remember.
Aven would live outside if we would allow it, so I felt pretty certain that she would enjoy the beach. It took her a minute to figure out the sand and to not stop every two minutes to wipe her hands off, but after that she was loving it.
Everything and everyone got a wave from her. Shells, the kite flying, the birds scurrying around, the ocean, and of course all the strangers passing by. Stinking adorable, that kid.
You should know in advance that I take one million pictures when we're at the beach. I know no other way. So if you mind seeing pictures of a cute baby on a beach, a) what the hay is wrong with you, and b) you should probably skip this one.
there is a hidden pigtail in this picture and she looks exactly like her daddy here.
We found a favorite local coffee spot where we went several nights after dinner.
Aven discovered coloring! Hallelujah praise the Lord because something needed to occupy her in all the restaurants we frequented.
We visited the local children's museum where there are interactive areas for kids to explore. Needless to say, Aven loved it. Brandon and I may have broken a few rules and thrown soft blocks at each other's heads when the other wasn't looking. Harmless fun.
We are excellent role models.
these pictures don't have much to do with the beach, but they do explain why I call her my "bird child." Behold:
honestly, these little pigtails blowing in the wind were probably my favorite sight every day. completely precious.

Since she's decided she's boycotting headbands, I figured I would to put them to use taming my grody beach hair. Aven wasn't impressed. We all know they look better on her.
On the VERY LAST DAY our girl finally got brave (or just curious?) and went for it. She practically ran into the waves, got knocked down, and laughed her head off. It was AWESOME.
On the way home, the A/C in the car went out. Fun times. We rode with the windows down (in June in the south) and this is how we all felt about it:
But on the good news front, she learned to give eskimo kisses that week:
Until next time, beach.
We'll be missing you.
the ruffle butt. it gets me every time.
I love Wilmington. It's such a cute town. We went years ago, before kids, and we just got back from Beaufort/Morehead City/Atlantic Beach area. Such great beaches.
ReplyDeleteYes, we love it too! I haven't been to those surrounding beaches but I would love to visit them.