Saturday, October 31, 2015

a state of the heart

I can't believe it's over! I'm so glad I decided to be a part of the #write31days challenge. It's been tough and revealing and heart-tilling. 

If you read even one of my Learning to Simplify posts - thank you. Without readers, I have no blog, and this has become such a special place to me. 

I've only begun learning how to simplify and what that truly means. For me, the investment is worth the reward. I know it will be an ongoing lesson and journey. 

Ultimately, through writing over the past month and carrying out these posts into my real life, I've learned that simplifying isn't a method or a technique or even a lifestyle. It's a state of the heart. When I begin there - in my own heart - and work outward, paring down to the essentials, non-negotiables, and life-givers, it can more easily infiltrate every facet of my life. 

And the truth is, only the Lord can completely clear out and clean up my heart. I can't do it because I'm a human and we hoard our junk. We let things pile up. We rarely deep clean. He knows my heart so well because he's the One who made it. I can safely let Him come in, dust, declutter, and organize. I can trust Him with that task. 

That's the kind of Simple I long for. 

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