Tuesday, November 17, 2015

2 1 m o n t h s { update }

Remember that time I wrote every day for 31 days straight and then took a two and a half week hiatus? Well, I'm back! Just needed some time to recoup. 

It has been a minute since I did an update on Aven. Well, it's been three months and in the life of a toddler, that's a chunk, so here we are talking about all things Aven. 

First, can I just say how much I love this age? She is totally my little sidekick. We go everywhere together and she's becoming such a helper with whatever I'm up to. 

She's also a talker, so we always have some kind of conversation going. When she talks she nods her head around like a teenager and it's hysterical. I am also loving the fact that I can actually reason with her and talk through things, and she understands me. It helps us avoid at least some meltdowns and tantrums. 

She's just becoming such a little person, and it's so fun to watch. 

C l o t h i n g
Aven wears 24 month/2T clothing for the most part. We do have some 3T stuff that she can already fit into (WHAT IN THE WORLD). Shoes - size 7. Diapers - size 5.

Nope, she's never been a small one, and that's fine by me. :)

R o u t i n e 
Not much has changed in this arena since I last updated at 18 months. She's up around 7a, eats breakfast pretty much right away, and the first thing out of her mouth every morning is "Mickey??" so we often start the day with an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. 

Lunch around 12 and not long after is heading for a nap. Naptime is usually 1.5-2 hours. I always lay down with her initially, and sometimes I linger and nap with her because I know these days will be ending soon. 

After waking up, she eats an afternoon snack and watches tv for a bit. Dinner is between 6-6:30p and then she heads into what we lovingly call "crack mode." Basically she runs all over the house, using every last bit of energy stored up, and dances, sings, yells, throws her arms in the air and generally acts like a fool. It's hilarious. 

7:30p is bathtime (her favorite) and she's laying down by 8p. We just sing a few lullabies and then lay her down awake. She falls asleep almost immediately most nights. If she does cry, it's short-lived, because girlfriend is tired.

F a v o r i t e s 
As mentioned, Mickey and Minnie Mouse are the center of her universe right now. She is truly obsessed. She sometimes yells out "Oh tooooodlessss!" in the middle of playing with toys, and has the funniest granny-style dance moves to the opening song. So of course, we had to represent when Halloween rolled around. She was the cutest Mickey you have ever seen, minus the ears because this kid tolerates nothing on her head. Instead she got little mouse/pigtails. 

Her other favorite tv show is Sesame Street because of "Eh-mo."

Stuffed animals: Ella the Elephant, Blue the Doggie (she calls him "Bew"), Monk Monk, and Goat. Needs them all in her crib with her night. Not into baby dolls at all, but animals are apparently her jam.

Airplanes / Helicopters / Trains

Mickey Mouse.

Outdoors. If she's outside, she's happy. 

Pretend cell phones.

Yogurt dips. Puffs.

Bubbles / Balls / Books / Shoes / Coloring  

Did I mention Mickey Mouse? 

W o r d s  /  L e a r n i n g 
We are teaching her numbers, letters, colors, animal sounds, and shapes during playtime/bathtime/car rides.

Her vocabulary is really growing, and she'll put together two- or three- word sentences now, like "Aven eat" or "Mommy go upstairs."

She cannot say her L's. Instead she replaces it with a "y" sound. Which makes so many words just so stinking adorable, like "yeh-yow (yellow) or "yight" (light). This is my favorite thing, maybe ever??

She can count to 10 with help. She can recognize her name when spelled out, and can recognize almost all letters. We are starting to teach her the alphabet using foam letters during bathtime.

New animal sounds, of the nontraditional variety, because those are more fun: Deer: "grunt grunt" / Turtle: "wah wah wah wah" / Crab: clicking sound while making "pincher" fingers / Hippo: "chomp chomp". I have a video of some of these I'll post on Instagram later :)

P e r s o n a l i t y 
Friendly. Social. Talkative. Demanding. Opinionated. Joyful. Girly. Sensitive. Dramatic. Sweet.

Q u i r k s 
Hates to have her feet touched  //  Every time she sneezes she yells "tissuuuue!"  // Waves at literally everything  //  "Sniffs" every flower she sees, even pictures of flowers.  //  "Fake" sleeps, complete with little snores and whistling sounds that I can only assume were learned from cartoons // Is OBSESSED with order and organization (she will put things back, shut drawers, and close doors behind me all.day.long.)  // Boo-boos require ice, but not for the boo-boo, just for her to munch on.

Crazy kid. 

F i r s t s 
Library trip
Day trip to the mountains
Kiddie train ride
Encounter with chickens, goats, pigs, and horses
Learned to give "thumbs up!"
Potty *attempts*

Oh, Aven Harper. You make my heart sing and my face smile. I'm so proud to be your mom.  

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