{ the small things blog }
I love this makeup look. Fresh, clean, simple. Also, how stunning is Kate Bryan? Love her.
{ under the sycamore }
Are you a hummingbird or a buzzard? I know that sounds like a strange question, but just go with it.
{ emily p freeman }
I just started this book, Simply Tuesday, by Emily Freeman. It's an invitation to slow down and see the extraordinary in the ordinary. Really liking it so far.
{ one little momma }
Who knew clogs could be this cute? Are clogs back? Is this a thing? So many questions.
{ sarah bessey }
How many of our stories do we censor so we don't make others uncomfortable, or to make ourselves feel better? This is my top read for the week - don't miss it!
As always, thanks for reading. I hope this week is on track to be a great one for you!
Also, I have to include a picture of Aven. If not I will receive a snarky text from my mom, and since she reads everything I write, I figure I owe her. Here ya go, mom. :)
This is Aven's first hole-in-one. Little cheater.